Tag Archive | chelsea houska

I Attended the Teen Mom 2 – Season 3 Reunion Taping on Saturday

I attended the first half of the Teen Mom 2 – Season 3 Reunion on Saturday. While I can’t give away any spoilers for the upcoming season (other than it looks pretty good), I can give you my general opinion of the people I saw.

First off, since I only attended the first half, I only got to see two of the four girls covered, which were Chelsea and Kailyn. The only time I saw Leah and Jenelle was at the very beginning of the taping, when they were all introduced by Dr. Drew. That being said, both Chelsea and Kailyn’s segments were interesting.

Chelsea’s segment was first, and early on in the interview, Dr. Drew complained that Chelsea never lets him hold her hand during interviews, and insisted she hold it from now on, which I personally found a bit weird. Even weirder was the fact that he held it for an abnormally long time as he grilled her about everything that has went on this season, while looking into her eyes for an awkwardly long amount of time, seemingly in hopes of pulling out some sort of emotional reaction out of her, which only seemed to make her more and more uncomfortable throughout the interview.

Adam Lind (her baby’s Daddy) and her Dad were also there and took part in her segment. Again, I can’t give any specific details that will be in the upcoming season away, but I will say that Adam really bothered me. Based on the things I heard today, as an audience member of the Teen Mom 2 – Season 3 Reunion, I believe he uses Chelsea and I believe she knows it. Dr. Drew grilled Adam pretty hard this time, likely due to all the negative feedback he received earlier this week for giving Adam a break on the Season 2 Reunion, which aired earlier this week. I sensed that he could feel the judging eyes on him, for when asked about his antics, I noticed that Adam did one of three things:

1. Brushed it off with vague answers and made up excuses in attempt to downplay his behavior as normal.

2. Flat out lied.

3. When called out on his lies and pressed further, he shut down and refused to answer, which made the answers obvious.

Adam and Chelsea both acted like they wanted to be anywhere but there. Adam yawned at one point during the interview. Adam and Chelsea both gave very short, impatient answers to Dr. Drew’s incessant questions and they both said, several times, that they just want to move on from all of this.

Randy (Chelsea’s father) was more polite and engaging, but even he seemed happy to get this all over with.

Chelsea and Adam are no longer together, as was mentioned on the Reunion and I can reveal that because she has made it public information on Twitter.

Kailyn was far more talkative and engaging and although she has never been my favorite girl, I must admit, she is far more likable in person.

Jo was there and took part in her segment, too, most of which was centered around Kailyn’s dislike for Jo’s girlfriend, Vee (which is public knowledge for anyone who follows her on her Twitter, so I am not leaking any information that is confidential).

She and Jo were civil, though, and although they bantered back and forth, neither raised their voice with each other.

I confess, after Chelsea’s depressing segment, Kailyn was a breathe of fresh air.

One difference between these two girls that is immediately apparent is the way they present themselves. When Chelsea came into her segment she appeared avoidant, reserved and overall drained, irritated by hearing about her bad decisions, sick of explaining herself. There were also times she seemed afraid to give her opinion because she did not want to disrupt any peace. Chelsea is fragile.

By contrast, Kailyn entered the stage ready, open and talkative. She spoke easily, confidently and candidly. Kailyn owned the room, whereas Chelsea seemed to let the room own her. 

I felt for Chelsea, though. I don’t think talking about sad things is helpful for her, but she keeps being forced to do that, and it just seems to get her upset and irritated. I can relate to this, because I’m the same way. 

That’s not to say that those who do find it helpful are weird or wrong, it’s just a different personality-type, that’s all. Different approaches work differently for different people. 

In any case, that concludes my blog entry for the Teen Mom 2 – Season 3 Reunion taping. Seeing how Season 3 hasn’t even aired yet, this reunion probably won’t be airing for another year or so. 

Teen Mom 2: Season 2: Episode 10 (Commentary)

Leah Messer
It looks like things are going from a bit rocky to VERY rocky with Leah and Corey’s marriage. What I sense? She’s trying. She wants to meet him halfway. Despite the horrible living conditions, she does not want to move unless Corey comes with her. She’s willing to tolerate the awful living conditions if it means saving her marriage.
Corey is not trying as hard, he’s half-assing it. He seems to think she could stay or go, but would almost prefer that she go. He sees this marriage as intruding on him doing what he wants to do with his finances, aka buying a new truck. He won’t even give Leah a straight answer about moving.
Corey is pulling away and Leah senses it. Corey finally tells her he feels like they rushed into this, which sends Leah in tears.
Meanwhile, later on, through facebook and gossip blogs, we learn Corey refused to have sex with Leah, and she later caught him watching porn. They argued, and he shoved her.
We also hear rumors of Corey cheated on her while they were married.

Kailyn Lowry
Oh Kailyn. Something about you does not sit right with me. You are now jealous because Jo has a new girlfriend, even though you’re the one that broke up with him.
Jo, meanwhile, is friendly when he meets Jordan for the first time. He’s over Kailyn, and Kailyn senses that, and you can tell is a little bothered by this.

Chelsea Houska
Chelsea raises money for premature babies at a fundraiser. Yay! (Boring, no drama).

Jenelle Evans
Jenelle has court, and gets probation. Kieffer doesn’t, Kieffer’s charges get dropped. It was Kieffer’s bowl and Kieffer’s weed, so this pisses Jenelle off. She was hoping Kieffer would man up and take the fall for her, but Kieffer did not do that because if he admitted it was his weed, he’d likely do jail time due to prior charges.
What you don’t know or see in this episode is that two weeks earlier, on March 27, Jenelle was arrested in her home after authorities got ahold of the March 22 video, which shows Jenelle beating up former friend Brittney Truett. Kieffer, who just so happened to be at her house when the cops came knocking, was also arrested on a prior cocaine charge.
Jenelle was able to make bail the next day, but Kieffer was not as fortunate, because he was sentenced to house arrest by a judge, but since he had no place to live, he had to spend the next 17 days in jail and had just been released the night before they went to court on April 14th, 2011.
In the bonus clip, Jenelle’s mother said, “Kieffer sold you out again.”
I’ll bet she was referring to Kieffer selling Jenelle out to the tabloids. Actually, he sold her out twice. Once in January, when he said that he saw a text message from Jenelle’s supposed baby-Daddy, Andrew, that said he was not the father of her child, and once in March, when he claimed Jenelle chooses stardom over her child, Jace.
Pretty nice of her to still visit him in jail and give him a ride to court after all that.

Teen Mom 2, Season 2: Episode 9 (Commentary)

FINALLY, fans are starting to see what I’ve been saying all along. Kailyn’s manipulative and completely incapable of seeing other people’s point of view.  On 16 and Pregnant, we saw that Jo and his parents took her in when she had nowhere to stay, only for her to turn around and cheat on him with another guy, while still living under his parents’ roof on Season 1. But Jo forgave, and even lent her $600 when she needed it to pay for her school tuition. Meanwhile, she continued to cheat on him with Jordan, and Jo eventually found out and told her to move out. She moved, and didn’t pay him back the $600 until she was forced to when she came to get her stuff and Jo wouldn’t give it to her until he got his $600 back. Then, this season (Season 2), she files for child support. She claims she’s too poor to afford to make ends meet and is doing it for Isaac, yet we see her carrying around a Louis Vouiton bag when she’s meeting with the lawyer. Jo is right, by the way, she could easily find a better paying job, despite her claims that no other job would be as flexible with her hours. However, as she admitted on the Close-Up that aired right after the last episode, she had no problem quitting that job once she and Jordan broke up, who, by the way, she dumped after she cheated on him with Jo.
Anyone else seeing a pattern here? Kailyn hurts others, does others wrong, then plays the pity-me card and tells a sob-story in attempt to get everyone to feel sorry for her.
I’ve always seen right through her, and I’m glad others are also starting to catch on, too. 


As for Chelsea, I understand where she’s coming from. I think we’ve all been there, at some point, let’s not pretend we haven’t. Those who claim they don’t understand how she can get back with Adam and get angry at her for doing so are projecting, in my opinion, because they see themselves in her and don’t like it. I don’t personally get annoyed with the fact that she keeps going back to him. I do, however, get annoyed with her constantly wondering why she likes him so much, but he does not like her at all. She constantly wonders, “What’s wrong with me? Why doesn’t he like me? What am I doing wrong?”
Well Chelsea, I have an answer: the reason he loses interest so fast and gets bored of her is because he KNOWS she’ll always go back. It’s human nature to take someone for granted when they’re always available. Next time he wants to get back together, she should put up a fight and say NO. It’ll be hard but I guarantee he’ll his relationship with her more in the long run, because he’ll realize she’s NOT always available and he CAN’T just fuck up, leave and go back whenever he feels like it again.

As for Jenelle, she may look like a psycho and maybe she is, but keep in mind this was filmed shortly after Jenelle had gone to film the Season 1 reunion, which was when Kieffer cheated on her. That’s not shown in this season, but it’s in the gossip blogs. That’s likely why she was so paranoid and freaking out over Kieffer talking to that girl, because he’d just cheated on her recently.
That being said, I don’t necessarily think things are completely one-sided. I think Kieffer has a right to be sick of her drama. She got him arrested for something that, from the looks of it, he didn’t do. When she went to pick him up in the third episode, he even said it, loud and clear, “I didn’t assault you.” 
And Jenelle didn’t disagree, or say “Yes, you did.” 
The entire time on the way to jail, he kept saying, “This sucks, I don’t deserve this,” and Jenelle even agreed that he didn’t assault her, but he damaged her property and she wanted it to stop.
From what I gather, he pushed her out of the way and dented her car, in a fit of drunken rage.
Was it right? Absolutely not. Was an intervention needed? Yes. But Assault? No, I don’t think so.
Then, while he’s in jail, she starts talking to another guy, who she continues to text once he’s out of jail, which I think would piss anyone off. 

Honestly? From what I see, Kieffer is very calm, and tends to keep his anger inside, to a point where it’s unhealthy. He seems like he completely shuts down when he’s angry, and walk away from conflict, including this last episode, when Jenelle was yelling and screaming, he just got up and went into the other room, and when she came to talk to him, he calmly told her his point of view, and when she got up in a rage, went into the bathroom and started crying and slamming the door over and over and over, he just got up and left, and returned later on that day when he felt she’d calmed down. 
In Episode 2, he didn’t assault her, either – she screamed at him, threw a change jar at him, then came running at him trying to grab at him, and he restrained her and pushed her in the car as a way to get her off of him.
I do wonder if the only reason he puts up with her shit is because he needs her for money and rides, but from what I gather, he has some money from some less-than-legit activities, and has other friends who he can ask for rides. Jenelle, however, is much more convenient to ask for things from, because he’s her boyfriend and she’s completely in love with him. 
It’s obvious that Jenelle wonders the same, and in the back of her mind, she thinks he’s using her. 
So overall, I see where both sides are coming from in this, but I also think both of them can be very destructive, toxic people. 

As for Leah, I think she was right, they needed a new house. Pronto. That was disgusting. Corey’s new truck could have waited.

Chelsea Houska Cheated on Adam Lind While Pregnant?

Adam Lind is the on-again, off-again boyfriend of Teen Mom 2’s Chelsea Houska. Adam has rubbed many viewers the wrong way due to a mean text message he sent Chelsea during her episode of 16 and Pregnant, and his irresponsible behavior and wandering eye during the first season of Teen Mom 2 did not do help his cause.

However, it seems there may be more to the story than meets the eye. According to his fanpage on Facebook, “Chelsea cheated on Adam while pregnant, Chelsea cheated on Adam while she was pregnant.

If true, this may explain the scene in Chelsea’s 16 and Pregnant episode where she tells her father that Adam made a Facebook post about, “I wish Chelsea would like me, and not my friends.”

One also recalls that, on the Teen Dad’s Special that aired in September 2011, Adam mentioned that Chelsea had cheated on him numerous times and was now dating one of his best friends.

While one certainly does not condone Adam’s behavior towards Chelsea, it may very well make it a bit more explainable.